tawg wrote in richardworld Dec 08, 2011 05:50
richard doesn't care about tacos, opposable eyebrows, go watch the vlogs, are you pulling your weight?, can't snap this, ain't no party like an rw party, i moustache you..., three blind saints trump one seeing one, cody stole his clothes, richard slumber party, there is no place like richardworld
tawg wrote in richardworld Oct 04, 2011 12:28
hung-garian, are you pulling your weight?, the whole can, ain't no party like an rw party, i moustache you..., magic hair room, sweeter than chocolate on a stick, entertain me damnit, o snap, opposable eyebrows, richard doesn't care about tacos, he's not a trickster he's a- (spoilers), fangirl olympics, teh stache, sekritly doctor sexy, richard slumber party, mega epic